Janet is an actual native to Silicon Valley before it was The Silicon Valley...and yes she remembers when it was a lovely orchard community and US 280 didn,t exist. Janet in some circles is known as a seasoned CFO to the Start ups of SV, but one of her true gift is connection and bringing people and resources together. She is creative, generous, has a great sense of humor, and loves working with Start Up companies. Janet knows that the right mix of rolodex, inspiration, hard work, and cash burn constraint equals success for building a flourishing company. Now a days you find her on her laptop watching High School Water Polo, and collecting data out of shoeboxes to help the next entrepreneurial idea and team launch for the stars. LinkedIn
As a former catcher is baseball, accustom to leading successful teams efforts. After successful years in "corporate America", Dennis is a committed entrepreneur that started five (5) technology-based businesses taking three (3) through successful exits (acquisition). He combines old school business principles and ethics with the fast-paced entrepreneur fluidness and savvy, to rapidly navigate toward envisioned business destinations. LinkedIn
John started out as a child. In his early years, John appreciated the logic and order in numbers. Later, John learned the square root of 3 is 4 for larger values of 3, but that's an engineering thing and that's when some of the logic and order fell away. Today, you may find John race walking a marathon, chasing a little dimpled ball off the fairway, playing guitar or bass, or making business sense from an entrepreneur's idea. John can help put your business on the road to success. LinkedIn
Ryan is a So Cal to Northern California and back again traveler. He did his Silicon Valley studies amongst the Bears of Cal. He is a transmedia wizard, storyteller and producer with an eye for great design who works with the world's leading entertainment companies. Wherever you find him, he's sure to have a great story for you. LinkedIn